Thursday, 24 June 2010

The final Roadshow

On Saturday 17th April 2010 we held our last ever Rock Roadshow. This event was at the United Church in Bridport, and was organised by Molly Doughty and her assistants. It was wonderful to be able to hold a day in Bridport, as they were one of our new venues on the Rock Tour. We were really delighted with the turnout - there were over 40 there, which is impressive considering the Bridport choir didn't contain that many people.

The team for the day was Roger, Annie, Helen, Brian Johnson, Bill and Barbara Carpenter, and Carol Lawrence. Carol came over from Bournemouth and led our 'Working in the Family Business workshop'. Brian was without Gill due to some dental surgery, so he led 'This is the place' alongside Annie. And then Helen and Barbara together led 'The Look of Love' - Barbara had come up with all kinds of interesting and creative ideas for that one.

It may be our last official Rock Roadshow, but we hope in future to use the system of Rock teaching and workshops as often as possible. Let's see where God leads!

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