Monday 19 October 2009

Rock Previsits

In the weeks following the Tamworth performance of Rock, Roger had his last ever three previsits - Exeter, Weston and Bristol.

Roger has always said that he would write a musical just for the previsits alone. These are wonderful evenings where Roger and a team of soloists get to rehearse Rock with the choirs. These choirs have already been practising for 8 or 9 weeks, they know the music, and many of them have also experienced the Bible teaching.

The previsits are a lot of fun, with plenty of joking. Roger intersperses going through the songs with anecdotes and serious bible teaching. It gives the cast a wonderful opportunity to revise the music, and to sing one another's parts...

This is one of the aspects of touring that will most be missed. But we know God has it all in hand, and there will be plenty of opportunities for fun, fellowship and teaching with choirs in the future.

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